5 Reasons Women Need a Chiropractor

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Many people don’t realize the power of a chiropractor or why they are so important. Women are among the group.

A chiropractor is more than a person who cracks bones. They are skilled doctors with extreme knowledge of body alignment. There are many reasons someone needs to visit their local chiropractic office. But many would be surprised at the many benefits of a proper re-alignment.

Promoting health and wellness is a priority of The Case Clinic. Our patients include women who have specific physical issues that the proper re-alignment would benefit. But we do not simply stop at bone and spine manipulation. Here are 5 reasons women benefit from chiropractic care.

Pain Reduction

Woman in pain in need of a chiropractic alignment.

The body can experience pain due to inflammatory pain in its joints. Women who experience constant pain in their joints can benefit from proper alignment. Inflammed joints lead to limited movement and production. The more joints swell, the less mobility is available.

As men and women age, the body experiences trauma from everyday life. Long careers of sitting in one place, standing on your feet for long hours, and picking up heavy items can lead to alignment and health issues.

The proper chiropractic care and therapy help to reduce the risk of health issues. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that causes extreme pain in the body’s joints. Having regular adjustments helps to significantly reduce pain and increase nerve health as well. Preventing joint deterioration allows for better health and better wellness.


There is a before, during, and after process when it comes to pregnancy. Women can experience change and discomfort in their bodies during pregnancy. Seeing a chiropractor when she with child helps the body to relax and make daily life a lot easier.

Having the proper alignment helps to keep joints healthy as pregnancy adds more weight. In addition, delivery can also cause nerve issues. Some women experience temporary paralysis after the birth process, as well as pelvic inflammation. The proper adjustments after childbirth can help re-align the pelvis and improve nerve function to eliminate paralysis.


Chiropractors actually play a role in the anti-aging process. Many people don’t realize how important bone health truly is. As mentioned before, osteoarthritis is a disease that affects bone health. Bones can become brittle and weak leading to higher risks of injury and good health.

Women who suffer from osteoarthritis, however, can improve their condition with the right chiropractic treatment. Improving joint strength and posture can lead to the reduction of bone disease or even stop its onslaught all together.

Joint Heath

Women's joint pain relief with a chiropractor.

As the body ages, joints begin to break down and experience health issues. Mobility can become limited, and pain can be constant. Women can begin to experience bone and joint deterioration while pregnant from her body feeding nutrition to the unborn child. As time goes on, without the proper treatment, bone disease can set it and cause deeper health deterioration.

Women’s lives can highly active. Between work life, physical activities, and their home life, the body may fall our alignment. Without proper spine alignment, the body cannot perform at its best. Nerves can even be affected and not deliver the proper power and energy to certain parts of the body. Many causes can lead to one or more of your vertebrae jumping out of alignment including:

  • The way she sleeps
  • Illness
  • The amount of wear she puts her body through
  • Toxins in the body
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Stress levels
  • Injury

With the help of a chiropractor, women who suffer from pain can find relief in being re-aligned. It can even help avoid prescribed medicine and surgery.

Menstrual Issues

Pain and discomfort relief from menstrual cycle.

Women experience a monthly menstrual cycle for the majority of their lives. Unfortunately, discomfort and pain come along with it. What many women don’t know is that a chiropractor can help relieve that monthly pain. This is done by treating the central nervous system.


The proper wellness health helps to reserve the body and keep you operating great levels. Bone and joint health are essential to longevity. Women who experience any type of pain or discomfort should consult with a chiropractor to see if they can provide you the proper wellness treatment.

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