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4 Reasons Laser Lipo Helps Reduce Weight

Laser Lipo service in Indianapolis, Indiana

Fighting weight gain is one thing. But what do you do about those areas of fat and loose skin that refuses to go away or tone up? Laser lipo is a great answer. Its targeting abilities help tone up and reduce fat on the body aren’t dropping the pounds as fast as other parts of the body.

Before, removing these annoying pockets of fat, loose skin, and cellulite required surgery followed by painful and uncomfortable recovery. It could take up to two weeks to fully recover after the procedure. With Laser Lipo, you have no downtime, and no scaring or bruising to deal with. But besides the benefits of a painless procedure, here are 4 more reasons to have Laser Lipo.

1. Reducing Fat in Those Trouble Areas

Losing weight and keeping it off is a challenge by itself. You may be healthier, but you notice some areas on your body are improving faster than others. Many of our patients visit our Indianapolis clinic to reduce and get rid of pockets of fat that need extra attention.

Laser Lipo body contouring offer at The Case Clinic in Indianapolis.
Laser Lipo treatment for the back of the thighs

Laser Lipo breaks down the fat at the targeted spot without breaking or penetrating the skin. It takes about an hour out of their day for the procedure and requires no downtime the session ends. In fact, many of our patients go right back to work.

Breaking down the fatty tissues that cause those annoying areas allows our patients to see results from their first session. The more sessions they have, the more results they see.

2. Faster Recovery, No Downtime with Laser Lipo

Traditional liposuction requires you to get as much rest a possible during recovery. This day and age, it can take up to two weeks to fully heal or recover from the pain. Bruising and scarring are common with the procedure since a wand is used to go under the skin and suck out the fat.

Patients are fully awake during their Laser Lipo sessions. As the LED light paddles work their magic, the patient feels no pain or burning sensation. Reducing fat in specific areas helps you shape your body and be happy with the results.

3. Much Safer Procedure

Any open cut or wound, infection is a strong possibility. What makes Laser Lipo so safe is its non-invasive approach to eliminating fat. Breaking down the fat tissue with LED light prevents the risk of bacterial infections and life-threatening illnesses. Compared to traditional liposuction, Laser Lipo is the safest of the two procedures.

When patients visit our Indianapolis clinic, safety comes first. Consultations are mandatory to make sure our procedure is the right fit. Each patient is unique and only receives treatment according to their custom needs.

4. Cellulite Reduction

Smoothing out those rough areas of cellulite can be as easy as having Laser Lipo sessions. When the fatty tissue that causes cellulite build-up, simply working out or dieting to lose weight will not solve the issue. This body contouring procedure tightens and tones the skin helping to reduce and sometimes eliminate the cellulite build up.

Before and after Laser Lipo to get rid of cellulite.

No matter how much leg, thigh, and butt workouts you do, cellulite build-up can be difficult to get rid of on your own. Melting away the fat seems to be the most common solution. This is why Laser Lipo is such an effective body contouring tool. Patients in our Indianapolis clinic have reported seeing an immediate difference after just one session.

It doesn’t have to be a pain point nor a struggle to have the body you truly want. Each person’s weight loss goals are different. This is not recommended for everyone battling weight and annoying areas of fat on the body. This is usually due to health issues or the need to lose a significant amount of weight before you can even user Laser Lipo.

But before you start your Laser Lipo journey, you first need to know if it’s right for you.

If you are in or live in the Indianapolis area, schedule a free consultation for our Laser Lipo treatment to get started. 

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