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5 People Who Qualify for Medically Supervised Weight Loss

People who qualify for medically supervised weight loss

Medically supervised weight loss usually helps people who are overweight or obese. A doctor-assisted weight loss program goes further than traditional weight loss programs.

Who Qualifies: People with Type 2 Diabetes | People with Heart Disease | People with High Blood Pressure | People with High Cholesterol | People Who Have a High BMI

Who Qualifies for Medically Supervised Weight Loss?

Medically supervised weight loss is a program aimed at helping overweight people to lose weight with the assistance of a licensed healthcare professional.

Experts at The Case Clinic Institute help people with Medically supervised weight loss that is long-lasting and sustainable. Below are the 5 people who qualify for medically supervised weight loss.

1. People with Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a severe disease. If the disease is not treated and managed well, it could lead to kidney failure, blindness, and even limb amputations(1). Diabetes is among the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States, ranking at number 7.

This is the reason why people suffering from type 2 diabetes are qualified for medically supervised weight loss. Obesity is one of the leading causes of type 2 diabetes. Having extra fat can increase the body’s insulin resistance. When this happens, the body is unable to use insulin properly.

If you are overweight and you’ve been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, then you should make losing weight a top priority.

When you lose weight, you can become less insulin resistant, and your body will be able to utilize insulin better. Even a small change in weight can bring a significant improvement in your condition. A 10% decrease in body weight can improve the body’s insulin sensitivity.

When you lose weight, you can also reduce your dependency on diabetes medications. While you can probably lose weight on your own through diet and an exercise routine, medically-assisted weight loss is a better option.

2. People with Heart Disease

Obesity can increase your risk of having coronary disease. If you are obese and already have a heart problem, then chances are having extra weight is one of the causes of your illness. Coronary diseases are severe and possibly result in deadly health conditions.

The American Heart Association estimates that a heart attack happens in the US every 34 seconds(2).

Heart diseases happen when fat and cholesterol hardens and form plaques that can block the arteries that carry blood to your heart muscle.

If you are overweight and already have heart disease, then you may find it difficult to lose weight. It may be hard for you to follow an exercise routine because of your condition.

Losing weight is essential for people with coronary heart disease. The best option for obese coronary disease patients is to seek medically supervised weight loss. With the assistance of a medical expert, you can lose weight effectively and safely.

3. People with High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure and obesity go hand-in-hand. If you are overweight, you can also suffer from sleep apnea. It’s a condition marked by disrupted breathing during sleep which can then further increase your blood pressure.

It is essential to control your blood pressure because it can lead to other health issues such as heart problems or strokes. One of the most effective ways to control blood pressure is to lose weight(3). You should mainly keep an eye on your waistline. People carrying a lot of weight on their waistlines are at greater risk of developing high blood pressure.

Due to these dangers, people who suffer from high blood pressure or hypertension are eligible for medically supervised weight loss. It is crucial to have medical guidance if you are trying to lose weight, especially if you are suffering from hypertension. Some exercise routines can cause a spike in blood pressure, which can endanger your health more.

4. People with High Cholesterol

Cholesterol plays a vital role in the body. It is needed by the body to build healthy cells. Too much cholesterol, however, can put you at greater risk of developing heart disease.

High cholesterol levels can lead to the development of fatty deposits in the blood vessels that can eventually block the flow of blood. Having blocked arteries can lead to coronary conditions. To lower your cholesterol levels, you need to change your lifestyle.

If you are obese, then you need to lose weight through diet and regular exercise. You need to avoid fatty food such as meat, and you need to eat more fruits and vegetables. It would be best if you also became more active.

If you have high cholesterol levels, you can also avail medically supervised weight loss to prevent your condition from developing into other more severe health issues. Once your weight goes down, you can also expect your cholesterol levels to fall(4).

5. People Who Have A High BMI

Even if you’re not suffering from any health condition or feeling any symptoms, but your body mass index or BMI is high, then you’re still qualified to avail of medically-assisted weight loss.

BMI is an indicator of how much fat you have in your body; The higher the BMI, the higher the risk of developing health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and even some types of cancer. If you have a body mass of at least 30, then that means you are already obese.


If you have a BMI of at least 27 and if you are suffering from any of the conditions stated above, then you may still qualify for medically supervised weight loss.

Our experts at The Case Clinic Institute will ensure that you get a plan that works for your body type as well as your routine. A lifestyle change will make all the difference.

Think You or Someone You Know May Benefit From Medically Supervised Weight Loss?

Our Medically supervised Weight Loss Program may be the answer.


  1. Health problems-Type 2 diabetes
  2. About Heart Disease
  3. Your Guide to Lowering Blood Pressure
  4. High Cholesterol (Dyslipidemia)
  5. Aim for a Healthy Weight: Key Recommendations

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